Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Black Flowers

1. Tulipa Queen of the Night 

Scientific name: Tulpa ( Queen of the Night is a hybrid variety )

Genus: Tulpa


Bloomtime: Mid-spring

Growing conditions: fertile, well-drained soil in full sun

Price starts at: $7.67

 'Tulipa Queen of the Night is believed to be originated from Turkey.

Their petals are used as decoration in cooking so they technically aren't toxic but the rest of the plant is toxic.

The height of a mature Queen of the Night reaches 36.0 cm.

Queen of the Night is easy to grow and doesn't require high maintenance. 

(Source: ) 

2.  Chocolate Cosmos

Scientific Name: Cosmos atrosanguineus

Genius: Cosmos

Family: Compositae

Bloomtime: Mid Summer or Late Summer

Growing conditions: It requires full sun, average moisture and average soil moisture

Price starts at: $5.32

Chocolate Cosmos is a native flower of Mexico and it is extinct in the wild, in 1902 it was introduced to cultivation.
Cosmos atrosanguineus grows up to 40-60 cm tall, with a fleshy tuberous root.
Leaves are 7-15 cm long, with leaflets 2-5 cm long and their flowers have a diameter of 3-4.5 cm.

They are famous for their scent of vanilla and chocolate.

(Source: ) 

3. Hellebore 

Scientific name: Helleborus

Genus: Helleborus

Family: Ranunculaceae

Bloomtime: Late winter and early spring

Growing conditions: well-drained, organic soil, in a filtered sun location.

Price starts at: $13.05 

The scientific name Holleborus derives from the Greek name for H. orientalis "helleboros"; "elein" to injure and "bora" food.

Many species are poisonous, despite types such as "Winter Rose", "Christmas rose" and "Lenten rose", also hellebores are not closely related to Rosaceace.

Various species of the Helleborus originate in Europe and Asia.

These species are concentrated mostly in the Balkans, the atypical species Helleborus thibetanus comes from western China and Helleborus vesicarius is located in a small area on the border between Turkey and Syria.

(Source: )

4. Hyacinth Midnight Mystique 

Scientific name:
Genus: Hyacinthus 

Family: Hyacinthaceace 

Bloomtime: Mid-Spring 

Growing conditions: average water needs. mildly acid pH to neutral pH and sun to partial shade 

Price start at: $1.15 

Hyacinth Midnight Mystique are part of the Pereninals category and can reach a height of 15-30cm.

This species can grow in any garden soil and it has a low maintenance.  

( Source: ) 

5. Black Dahlias 

Scientific name

Genus: Dahla 

Family: Asteraceace 

Bloomtime: Mid-summer to Autumn 

Growing conditions: fertile, well-drained soil in full sun. 

Price start at: $4.89

Dahlia's are dicotyledonous plants, related species include the sunflower, daisy, chrysanthemum, and zinnia.
There are 42 species of dahlia, with hybrids commonly grown as garden plants.

Dahlia's can be planted usualy in May and early June.
Their height and spread reach about 40cm-1.5m and 40cm-90cm.
dahlia's are easy flowers to grow and don't require high maintenance.

(Source:, )